Damn! I wish I lived in Vermont so I could vote for an Attorney General who would prosecute GWB for murder. AG Candidate Charlotte Dennett would also appoint Vincent Bugliosi as special prosecutor. It just gets better and better.
Link to brief summary.
The Vermont state senate voted to impeach Bush & Cheney in 2007. Various Vermont cities have also voted to impeach. No wonder Vermont remains the only state Bush has never visited during his presidency.
As if Senator Bernie Sanders wasn't enough reason to wish to live in Vermont ... a Canadian border state, beautiful scenery, productive farmland, maple syrup ... now if only we could find a way to remove winter snow!
Link to brief summary.
The Vermont state senate voted to impeach Bush & Cheney in 2007. Various Vermont cities have also voted to impeach. No wonder Vermont remains the only state Bush has never visited during his presidency.
As if Senator Bernie Sanders wasn't enough reason to wish to live in Vermont ... a Canadian border state, beautiful scenery, productive farmland, maple syrup ... now if only we could find a way to remove winter snow!

"All in the McFamily" and "McKeating Five" posts are directly below ...
Go, Bernie, GO! She really does call Bush what he is: a murderer.
Diva! I was just adding the Vermont State Seal when you popped by. Did you know they have a state butterfly? yes, they do ... The Monarch! And Bernie Sanders, be still my heart, the only senator brave enough to call himself a socialist. Vermont rules!
That really takes a lot of courage! That woman ROCKS. I will put her on my list of politicians I actually like, right up there with Kucinich. Thanks for covering this.
Bernie is great...thanks for this post...( I have the video of him up if you want to come steal it)...
She could almost make up for all that snow. almost ... (I'm such a snow wimp)
Bernie is a man with intact vertabrae! I'll definitely be by to see the vid.
OK, I'm gonna try to online edit a typo now. Wish me luck. Blogger is so buggy, last time I tried this, it all just *POOF* disappeared.
blogger is effed up again it seems. It ate an image I added of the Vermont state seal. It was in this post from 1PM until about 9PM. Then it disappeared along with typo corrections I'd made. Well WTH, guess I'll add a scenery pic & hope it's better in the morning.
Hey! You just got an award.
They are pretty cool there! They have also voted to arrest Bush if he goes there and secede from the US!
Avg Pat:
We must arrange for Air Force One to touch down in VT soon!
I know I have to laugh I would love it but you know, I think it was Cheney that people have tried to do a citizens arrest on twice now but they were arrested instead!
Avg Patriot, I think Cheney will soon be accidentally mistaken for a moose by near-sighted GOP "hunters".
I can only hope! That would make Pelosi the Veep wouldn't it?
No Jim, not unless W were to make the endangered species list, too. W would just appoint McC as temp VP (like Nixon did Ford) with the understanding that he'd pardon the whole Bush-Cheney admin for everything they might have done. McC would then be seen as incumbent & defacto prez -- a seemless transfer of power would occur. That pesky election in Nov. would hardly even be necessary. Gotta stop -- I'm making myself sick.
BTW, VT is the only new england state I missed on a couple vacations there. Does it look like the photo? Can you still just walk across those little bordertowns into Canada, or has the DHS made that a lost memory? I loved the Maine coastline. Stayed in Bar Harbor & hiked Acadia Natl Park. Ate Lobstah & Crab Chowdah every day. Fun!
That is too bad! Yes Vermont is Gorgeous. It is about an hour away from here. It looks exactly like the photos and there are like areas in Main and western Mass but Vermont is very rural and unique!
I love Maine and worked a few farms there. When I was married we always took the kids up there for vacation. York Beach They loved it. You can walk across in many more areas there. They call it the northern Kingdom. Quite vast and wild. I don't know if you Blog with Mike he is a passamaquoddy from up there.
Acadia is the end or the beginning of the Appalachian trail!
I have to laugh you are making me hungry thinking about lobster. I use to lift pots as a kid ah never mind. I can show the best how to clean one easily and eat it optimally!
The Great Sate of Vermont put Congress to shame.
The only ones with spines were shut down & Pelosi declared impeachment was off the table. I hope she eats those words & gets kicked to the curb in the next election. I hold special contempt for her because she was so into the fanfare of being the first woman speaker of the house...... then proceeds to obsruct justice.
I bet old Nanc is wishing she would have done the right thing now... but CA voters need to give her a clear message about what needs to be tabled.... her political career!
Personally, I'd love to drop-kick Pelosi the hell out of the state, that traitor. I also have read she has mafia ties.
Did you see the shitty reception she got at the DNC? She looked a bit freaked, like it was a surprise. I guess someone doesn't read her own hate mail.
wow..true Americans indeed! Americans have become a nation of 'followers', being cowered by peer pressure and not wanting to be the ones to speak up. The ones who are not stuck in the dream of 'this is who we are' and it's a pretty dream, woke up and said, damn, this ain't right. We've got a country and a Constitution to defend..great find DK. Btw..Vincent Bugliosi was interviewed on the site 'scholars and rogues' (google it, I don't have the link onhand)
Fran & Helen:
for the life of me I can't understand why Pelosi is doing so well in polls for her district.
Vermont is way ahead of the nation here. I would love to see Bugliosi as attorney general.
Wow, she's doing well here? That's really amazing. We send that woman in to IMPEACH and she refused. That's why she was elected. Oooh, don't get me started, I can't stand her. Alternatively, I adore Barbara Boxer.
Helen, last I heard she was a slam dunk for reelection. I know Cindy Sheehan was challenging her but haven't heard any more how that's going. I guess the only question now is if she's re-elected, will she remain as Speaker of the House. There is a mysterious arcane process the congress goes through to name the Speaker. Seems to me she did not do well as Speaker & shouldn't be rewarded.
Now, Boxer ... well for awhile back there I was hoping for an Obama-Boxer ticket!
That's a damn shame. YES Obama/Boxer would have been pretty damn heavenly.
There is TONS to love about Vermont....maple syrup....Leahy.....apples.....Lake Champlain....and Burlington.....Montpelier....snow....FALL :-)
I loved living there many many years ago as a young nurse...it is beautiful there...
( BTW when I lived there is when Bernie ran for Mayor...and he won by a handful of votes...ALL of us thought we were the WINNING Votes....)
Bernie for Health Human Servies!
There was a very irreverent book about Vermont politics I read a few years ago called "The Woody" by Peter Lefcourt. Check it out sometime when you're in the mood for something light & funny. It kept me laughing on vacation one summer & vow to myself to visit VT one day. Some of the characters seem to have lept right out of a Coen Brothers movie. Here's the BarnesNoble summary:
..."Senator Woody White is being blackmailed by his wife, sued by his ex-wife, shaken down by a Vermont maple syrup kingpin, terrorized by his neo-fascist housekeeper, and dragged into litigation by Trent Lott over a fender bender in the Senate parking garage. But when he is stricken with an ill-timed case of ED (Erectile Dysfunction), the desperate player faces his biggest campaign killer of all and goes to hilarious extremes to keep himself in the running. Peter Lefcourt holds a perfectly cracked mirror to the spin-filled world of Washington's sexual politics and asks a penetrating question: How hard does a politician have to be?"...
That is pretty sweet. Now if only the rest of our country would follow suit we might actually be able to hold this bastard accountable.
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