Monday, November 5, 2007

Keith Olbermann 11/05/07

This 11-minute Special Comment is a must-see. Keith was in fine form tonight. The subject is: Waterboarding.

Assuming Torquemada Bush watches Countdown, I wonder what the Whitehouse Laundry will encounter in the pants that our "Mock President" was wearing tonight? Then again, perhaps they are used to applying heavy-duty solvents in cleaning all his clothing. I mean, he has crapped all over our country & constitution, why would he spare his own trousers? By now, his rock-hard boxers, after years of industrial-strength detoxifiers, must really chafe. As he attempts to pull on a fresh stiff pair tomorrow, Laura will hear him squeal, "aaaack, this is torchure, 'Merica dudint torchure, 'speshly not da prezzynads 'nads". She will sigh, as she does every morning, reaching for the Febreeze Tenderizing spray and muttering, "I gotta get a lockout key for Keith's show".

Waterboarding is torture; torture is illegal; Bushco has authorized & condones it; let the criminal court trials begin! Many retired JAGs will be happy to testify.

But don't worry, Mr. Pissy-Pants and your pukey pals, I believe Paraguay is still one of the countries that you have convinced to exempt themselves from the International Criminal Court. [note: link concerns US pressure to expand exempted countries] ... Buh-Bye, SonOfaBush!


enigma4ever said...

they are all criminals....gitmo would be too good for them....

D.K. Raed said...

Enigma, at this point, they give criminals a bad name. Attila the Hun would be proud to call them proteges.

NEWSGUY said...

Too bad our Democratic representatives in the House didn't have the spine to follow up on Kucinich's impeachment resolution today. I dream about this scenario: Kucinich introduces the resolution, the Republicans think it is silly and it will go nowhere. Instead, Pelosi does an about face and announces she will support it based on Cheney's lies, support of an illegal war, torture and secret prisons, outing a CIA agent, shredding of the Constitution and a list of other crimes. The Republicans are aghast. They rally for a fight. News media is shocked. Telegrams, emails and letters pour in supporting the resolution. The Democrats bring the resolution to the floor for serious debate. They pull together and vote to impeach. Cheney stands in the dock. The Dems hold hearings to air all of Cheney's dirty laundry, his criminal behavior, his traitorous acts. He is convicted and driven from office in disgrace. Republicans are in disarray during an election season...

A guy can dream, can't he?

D.K. Raed said...

That is a shared dream, Newsguy! Last night on Hardballs, Tweety posited that perhaps the repubs should get behind dumping Cheney in order to help their '08 campaigns. Gaaaah! Oh, then someone else wondered who GWB would replace him with ... Rudy or Romney or Jeb. I am left wondering why all the democratic spine seems to reside in Dennis Kucinich? How do these other dems even maintain an upright posture anymore?

Pursey Tuttweiler said...

It is all so weird. Today Chertoff was hanging out of the set of 24 with Kiefer Sutherland. Remember when they had a big ol' Homeland Security meeting with the entire cast and crew of 24 plus Rush Limbaugh? That was the week that Rush went to the Dominican Republic with the boys and a bag full of illegal Viagra. These creeps have created the parallel universe they live in and we are all paying for it dearly. Waterboarding. How disgusting.

D.K. Raed said...

Pursey, I guess he's picking up pointers, how to keep the fear factor fresh. hmmm, Rush & his bag of little blue pills. Assuming legitmate use, who packs a whole bagful for a few days R&R? All those cute litte D.R. boys, so little time. Probably just coincidence, maybe they were only playing a little ball...

D.K. Raed said...

ps, Pursey, notice how more & more Chertoff is resembling a bag of bones? I thought it was just his H'ween disguise, but he's looking more ghastly every day. I would almost think the guy has been put off his feed by some of what he has to do for a living ... aah, but he'd have to have a conscience for that to apply.