This is what my TV has been tuned to for days and days with no end in sight. This is what it sounds like from the computer room: Thwock-hrunnnh-thwock-hrunnnh-thwock--FAULT! (why is so much grunting required?)
The resident Tennis Maestro has a love-hate relationship with Roger Federer.
That leaves me free to root for Rafael Nadal. Just look at that face!
Vamos Brigade has constant Rafa updates and fan info.
Here's some funny, candid tennis moments, mostly Nadal and Federer, but lots of others for you to identify, including one classic frame of John McEnroe that must surely be a career-ender:music is Bon Jovi: "Queen of New Orleans" (4.5 minutes)
The cricket starts again tomorrow, if I'm allowed to turn off the tennis. But Nadal? You know he spends his time hauling his undies out of his bum crack. Might be fun for Rafa, but hardly a choice look.
Have fun...
Now Cartledge, don't be crapping in my cornflakes. He must not spend ALL of his time pulling those sweaty shorts out of his declivity, or he wouldn't be #2 in the world. #2 at age 20! Plenty of time to learn the finer points of rear mgmt. If ESPN shows Cricket here, I'll take a look!
Well you were a bit nicer than some of my friends here. I didn't realise women used such language. No more comment on Nadal...
good luck switching to Cricket if you've got rabid tennis fans hogging the TV. This tourney is far from over. watched Djokevic tonight.
Well Tsonga has me in trouble :) But it wasn't my fault, I wasn't even watching.
Cartledge: we DVR & watch a few hrs later, so only just started that match! Thanks for the heads-up. Doesn't look good.
***** I think I'll edit my post now & put up a video for tennis laddies & lassies. We always have our memories! *****
Well I'm very impressed with the tennis playing prowess of Ana Ivanovic. I could see some more of her without any great problem...
:(:(:( No joy in Rafa tonight! Tsonga was like a man possessed. Rafa got his ass handed to him. I will refrain from the obvious joke.
Ana made an impressive comeback! She goes in the plus-column.
Djokovic vs Federer tonight (tomorrow for us) ... I always make a mistake when I bet against Federer, but the urge is strong to go Djoko.
I'm pleased to see this post has received such a range of comment. Now i can add to it, after surveying a number of Aussie women. It's a hard job, but...
So here is the summary: Tsonga is the sentimental favourite and FedEx is not well loved. So if you want to support the sisterhood you might just support the Fed, if you are correct about putting a taboo on your favourite :)
Hah, Cartledge, you keep polling those women. It's a VITAL job, I tell 'ya, even if it IS only you & I commenting! As far as Tsonga, he was unstoppable. When I first saw him, I was thinking, he's not built like a tennis player, but that just goes to show you how little I know. I see the Djoko-Fed match will begin soon, so we have it set to record, since it's beddy-bye time here. I don't know who I want to see take on Tsonga more. It'd be nice to see the Fed knocked back since he gets everything else he wants.
I'm watching time-delayed DVR recordings & for the first time EVER, husband couldn't take the tension after the first match of Djoko-Fed. So he skipped ahead to see the results & now we are going back to watch it all happen. Wow! Any bets on Djoko vs Tsonga?
Well d.k. I'll have to stop polling women for a while if Tsonga loses. He seems to be the new heart throb here.
A neighbour came in last night to tell me the Fed wasn't doing so well. I was happy to assume the worst for him.
Now Ana, that is a different story...
Just an aside, Grub Street is ranking #3 on google for mericats. I might have to get some more info on that one :) It did some playing about with search engine ranking last week, it's amazing what is getting picked up now.
Cart: I just googled mericats. #1 is Mountain Meadow Massacre, which is the book wherein I found the word. Mtn Meadows is fairly near where I now live. Reading up on it, I found out one of my direct ancestors was involved in the killing. Horrible!
Thanks for Mountain Meadow, I'll check that out. Don't like massacres much but finding out about language is always good.
Now you are getting email responces:
Have you been over to the new kvatch site yet? http://ragebot.com/
I need help... need some comments on my latest post there. :)
Thanks for the boost. Much appreciated :)
No prob, Cart, my pleasure. It was a good post w/your usual unusual slant. Plus I'd been meaning to see that new frog site, so I appreciate the nudge!
allie suggested she might be out of touch, but can contact thru you. I jogged me to put an email contact on the blog - encoded of course but available for copy/paste.
I don't expect any great drama - what does great mean? But the addy is there.
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