I've got nothing against most of the teachings of Jesus. I rather like his can't-we-all-just-get-along attitude, his efforts to enlighten mankind about the possibilities of socialism (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), his outright condemnation of the inherent inequity of wealth (it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven), and his questioning of the religious doctrine of his day (driving out money changers from the temple; chastising professional public prayers in favor of private expression of faith; etc) ..... it's the phony science nutzos professing to speak in his name that drive me to despair.
Intelligent design? ... you tell me ...
See, when I think about The Creation Museum being devoted to polluting young minds with compelling fun-filled exhibits featuring dinosaurs sharing the primeval forest with Adam and Eve, or baby T-Rex's cavorting with Cain and Abel, I have to wonder why they are trying so hard to substitute horseshit for scientific facts. Who benefits from an ignorant populace? I guess it's the same powers who, if they have any use for people at all, it's as an unquestioning mass of taxpayers who will blindly support whatever agenda is foisted on them. That most (not all) of these powers reside in the GOP, and most (not all) of the sheeple vote republican (thus encouraging science mockery), makes me despair of humanity's ability to think, to reason, to discover and test, to exercise that piece of real estate located between their ears.
However, that little baby T-Rex looks kinda cute. Perhaps with enough love, he will one day grow up to bite off the head of the visionary who is the driving force behind this dinosaur-human love fest. As he's crunching skull bones in his massive jaws, perhaps the T-Rex will contemplate the words of Ken Ham (said visionary who, along with 40% of Americans, believes that the universe, earth, dinosaurs & man were instantly created sometime in the last 10,000 years) about the purpose of this museum ... "If you can't believe in Genesis, then why believe any other part of the bible? You can't pick and choose, you can't say this part is right and this part is wrong".
Indeed, Mr. Ham, for once we agree! That is why I will be not be spending Good Friday in your museum of lies. Instead, I will be reading quotes of Richard Dawkins. And by the way, your name is misleading, you taste like chicken (to a T-Rex, that is; to me you taste like SHAM).
Have a Good Friday, everyone!
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D.K. thanks for this post. I have some deep memories from my days, in a past life, in the church. I still love a bunch of the hymns, and have never rally rejected the core spiritual teachings.
Easter was always a problem. Good Friday really can be a wonderfully contemplative experience, but largely ignored. Easter Sunday was always the big day, the twice a year day for many, and a cynical social occasion.
But them we've already reflected on church Vs spirituality. So my tomorrow is, apparently, easter egg day, which at least puts the festival into some sort of perspective.
trouble is I don't really like chocolate much...
I can appreciate the core spiritual teachings & still remember quite a few of the old hymns myself. I guess I've never had a good feel for Good Friday. It seems almost paganistic to me. But then, so do the easter eggs & little chocolate bunnies, especially if I thought our ancestors might've had to share them with dinosaurs!
ps, I just finished changing a bunch of settings, so this is good -- we can see if my comments are working yet...
Maybe if I check the notify box :(
I really want to go to the Creation Museum...( I am serious...I think it would be entertaining...in a perverse kind of way...6-6 also wants to go....)
hmmm, the fun factor ... I hadn't considered that. However, I'm afraid my head might explode if I had to PAY to laugh that much!
The geniuses who subscribe to this "young earth" BS are the same recycled idiots who ran The Creation Science Institute in El Cajon CA (my neck o'the woods until a few yrs ago). Before they came up this idea, they were just your garden variety white supremecists. Now it's morphed into Intelligent Design. Do they think the use of words like "science" or "intelligent" will provide the proof of their theory?
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