just testing
to see if the comment
problem I'm having has
been solved ...
or if I'm too stupid
to figure it out
Thoughts and Musings by a Western Woman. In the Interest of Fair Disclosure: Redheaded Wisdom may prove to be like a left-handed compliment = no compliment = no wisdom at all ...
ok, I've checked every blogger setting, enabled safe email sender lists, added trusted sites, re-subscribed to comments by email. If this doesn't work, I give up!
alas, apparently I AM too stupid. no comments are being emailed to me as of Jan 26th.
What about from outside?
Cartledge: you mean outside the blog? I'm receiving ALL other email from other sources, including junk & spam. So, everything else is hunky dory. But anything sent through the blog is disappearing somewhere. Any ideas?
I'm not sure d.k. I know enigma had the same issue and none of my fixes helped. Not sure how she resolved it in the end.
Cart: blogger is an untameable bitch sometimes. I've done everything I know how. thanks, just knowing I'm not the only one is helpful. I'll eventually get Mr Fixit involved (husband).
Hi dk~ Any techno glitches must be blamed on the Blogger program itself!
hah, Fran! They are such an easy target. While we're at it, I'll blame them for my headcold, too. You know, stress can lower the immune system.
I am having trouble again too..so frustating ...so sorry...many hugs...hang in there...
enigma, I'm still not getting comments emailed, and it is frustrating. I never realized how much I relied on that aspect of "tending the blog".
DK, I had that happen to me a while back. It lasted two and a half days and I went nuts. there was nothing wrong with my blog and i trust there is nothing wrong with yours.
Now, repeat after me, 100 times:
"I am not stupid!"
Tomcat: At this point, I am not stupid x 100 seems kind of like 0 x 0 still = 0. I have tried everything I know how. It's been going on since Jan 26th. I will wait for another few days before I deploy the Way-Back Machine (my last ditch effort before just starting a new blog). But it IS nice to know that it has happened to others. One commenter sent me a failed delivery notice about my blog from "blogger.bounces@google.com" and cited "rejected content". WTH?
Hey there Red. I know what the problem is. The emails sent to you that generated by all three of my comments yesterday bounced and came back to my Gmail account with the following error code.
Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 16): 550 5.7.1 reject content [sc]
That particular error means that your beyondbb email account is rejecting comments from your blog and bouncing them as SPAM. Contact beyondbb.
thanks Tomcat, this really helped. this is a test to see if *my* problem is solved.
Woooo Hoooo!!
Enigma & Tomcat: Yup, back in biz, thanks to you two (and no thanks to Blogger)!
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