The naked mole rat is a very industrious little rodent who lives its entire life in underground colonies. Almost hairless except for touch-sensitive body whiskers, its skin is loose and wrinkly, its limbs short, its eyes so small as to be useless. The mole rat adapted to an underground tunnel existence by atrophying its hair & eyes, so that it now resembles a small overcooked sausage with teeth. What's John McCain's excuse?
With McCain's tacit approval of torture, his one remaining principle of honor has been revealed as an atrophied anachronism. Maybe he's been mouthing support for the troops so long, he failed to notice that saying something, no mater how often, does not equal actually doing something. His very public and honorable stance against torture in the past, in complete defiance of his party's lust & zeal for torture, has been shattered. What remains is the vestige of a man who will say or do anything to become president, including f*cking the troops. I wonder if the McCain of 40-yrs ago, as he was being beaten and hammered in the Hanoi Hilton, would have ever believed that one day his principles would become so atrophied as to allow him to stand aside and endorse torture. After all, it is an evolutionary principle that if you don't use it, you lose it.
With McCain's tacit approval of torture, his one remaining principle of honor has been revealed as an atrophied anachronism. Maybe he's been mouthing support for the troops so long, he failed to notice that saying something, no mater how often, does not equal actually doing something. His very public and honorable stance against torture in the past, in complete defiance of his party's lust & zeal for torture, has been shattered. What remains is the vestige of a man who will say or do anything to become president, including f*cking the troops. I wonder if the McCain of 40-yrs ago, as he was being beaten and hammered in the Hanoi Hilton, would have ever believed that one day his principles would become so atrophied as to allow him to stand aside and endorse torture. After all, it is an evolutionary principle that if you don't use it, you lose it.
As if in further proof of the relationship of Naked Mole Rats to John McCain and Torture, Fox news recently ran this story about torturing naked mole rats with acid and chili peppers.
Oh and by the way, while naked mole rats, Fox News and John McCain all eat their own droppings, only Fox News and John McCain seem to enjoy a healthy heaping of top republican droppings as well. yum ...
Oh and by the way, while naked mole rats, Fox News and John McCain all eat their own droppings, only Fox News and John McCain seem to enjoy a healthy heaping of top republican droppings as well. yum ...
wow - interesting comparison - i think i mull this over for awhile...
I think you cleverly invented the naked mole rat! Nothing, apart from your comparison, could be so unlovable.
d.k. I feel obligated to stand up for the poor maligned mole rat.
I mean how would you like to be compared to the icky John McCain?
I'm sorry, I just noticed McC was standing in front of an AZ sign in one pic. Sorry for the reminder!
Naked Mole Rats are very real (I don't have that good an imagination). They were a big hit when added to the San Diego Zoo. Of course, since they live entirely underground, you could only view them through a camera. I'm not sure how fun they'd be to pet, kind of like petting a warm fish I imagine.
It is the naked mole rats' misfortune that they resemble McC! In all other ways, they are definitely superior. I wonder what their views on war and torture might be?
So it is Mole rat....wow...we had mutant squirrels downtown...that looked just like that ( actually they looked like rats and squirrels had mated...but without hair).....Anyways..what a lovely post and you had to mention the consumption of droppings- that is appealing as watching McCain speak about Torture....I really do think that KISS caused brain damage....
( I hate to say it...but he does look like the poor little mole rat..)
I bet your "mutant squirrels" were suffering from mange, poor things. And yes, absolutely, that GWB KISS started it all. McCain & Lieberman were destroyed by it. Pity Laura, no wonder she has become a zombie over the years. And mothers let him kiss their babies, what are they thinking?!?
Now, I must confess, whenever I caught McC on TV today, all I could see was this naked mole rat. I hope it doesn't infest my dreams. What an awful burden to throw on an animal that has been called sweet & gentle, despite its appearance ... unlike McC, who appears to have lost his soul.
McCain's turnaround on torture this week was pretty disturbing. He above all people should have stuck to his principled stand against torture. But apparently McCain is like the Clintons - "principle" is a foreign word to all three of them.
Anyone who wants the White House that badly shouldn't be allowed anywhere near it.
I wonder if the McCain of 40-yrs ago, as he was being beaten and hammered in the Hanoi Hilton, would have ever believed that one day his principles would become so atrophied as to allow him to stand aside and endorse torture. After all, it is an evolutionary principle that if you don't use it, you lose it.
I think you nailed it, D.K. All that torture when he was a young man along with the aging process of his brain has resulted in his smooching up torture-loving Bushies and a war-mongering Joe Leiberman, evidence that John McCain is suffering from early stage dementia. He has probably forgotten that he was a victim of torture and that we, as a nation, are better than that - or we were before we allowed a mental and moral midget into the White House.
Welcome! I run across you at Cart's. In McC's case, giving up all his dearly held principles happened so quickly, I really wonder if he ever had them in the first place ... or if they were just convenient for his Senatorship, but not for a Presidency.
nooooo ... you think that GWB KISS also causes dementia? The mind boggles what would happen to all of our minds if Bush blew us a kiss on TV one night. He already winks & smirks & shrugs & deports himself as if at a frathouse kegger, why not just send the whole country screaming to an alzheimer clinic as he exits. Aacck!
Creepy critters, as is McCain. His turn around on torture is dreadful. I can only hope it serves to cause him to lose. How could he?
I dunno, Fran, they kind of grow on you (naked mole rats, NOT McC). An advantage to living in eternal darkness is the mole rats don't have to see each other. No such relief for us with McC. And what ARE we seeing? The wreck of man from the inside out. He is what the husk of a human without a soul must look like.
He spent five years as a POW and refused to tell them what they wanted to hear. But in the blink of an eye now, he will say anything to win a vote. Repulsive! I used to repect him. Those days are gone.
It's hard to capture a true picture of a deranged old madman.
I used to respect him, too. However, his failure to stand against torture is only the latest failure. I'm sure there's more to come.
Yes, the mole rats don't quite capture it; they are lacking the deranged madman aspect. Maybe McC is the best representation of himself, esp in the last few yrs as he sheds more of his cover & reveals himself.
Red, you're in deep doo-doo! the SPCA is going to get you for insulting the poor rat! ;-)
Tomcat: I'll probably have to make a big donation or something, huh. BTW, it is a not just a rat, it is a mole rat & beyond that it is a naked mole rat (just so we're sure who's been insulted).
okay the Mole rat has won my heart...it needs a little sweater..and a piece of cheese...I feel sorry for it....
NAKED MOLE RAT: Proof that God has a sense of humor. JOHN McCAIN: Proof that God refuses to get seriously involved.
I assume you mean the tunneling naked mole rat, not the tunnel-vision senator? (I'm picturing McC appearing for his next press conf in a little sweater, his queen-of-the-rodeo wife handing him a piece of cheese, as he explains his relationship with a certain Isemanwoman)
Good point, LOL! (though since I really consider the naked mole rat to be an excellent example of evolution at work, maybe it is evolution that has such an evolved sense of humor)
Red, a rat is a rat. You insulted Norway Rats, Roof Rats, Wharf Rats, Mole Rats and even BureaucRats. ;-)
TCat: No way! It was specifically the nakedness of the naked mole rat that reminded me of McC. Now, I suppose if those rats you mentioned were into waxing ....
Hmmmm.... The BureaucRats are... especially the anti-gay GOP hypocrites that share the rest room with Larry Craig. ;-)
PS... when did you see McCain nekked? ;-)
TCat: never, I never, I swear, NEVER saw him naked. McC is just such a wrinkly pasty hairless creature, it fired my imagination, which promptly wandered over to naked mole rats ... better than the alternative (naked McC). Gaaaah, a waxed Larry Craig! My brain has completely shut off now -- those particular synapses were NEVER meant to be fired!
hey you took this from me.
oh well.
high five!
sorry Guy, I don't know who you are, but High Five back at'cha.
are you saying this was your original idea
Strange that you made this blog on the exact day I posted these exact to pictures in response to a forum post about curious George being used by a right wing bar to sell tee-shirts.
But you claim you have no idea who i am. Also the day you made this blog account name is also quite significant for reasons i won’t get into.
Not even talking about the name it's self.
What’s your deal? DHS??
Guy, I'm sorry, but nothing you say is ringing a bell. I looked very hard to find the exact pictures I wanted to make my point about McCain. They were online public photos and I linked online articles of mole rat info. Are you claiming to have invented the word "manimal"?
My "deal", as you put it, is all right here in front of you. I don't run a forum or chat room. What you see are merely thoughts on any given day.
DK, sorry to butt in on this, but it is a rather strange situation. I followed the just some guy link off the first one; the lights were off and no one was home.
The passion behind the apparent 'intellectual property' claim is hardly backed up when the writer chooses anonymity.
It sounds like a croc to me, hardly something seriously worth the bother. I suspect just a bloke has a delusion problem, or just gets his rocks off annying people.
I'm not sure what that juvenile comment is intended to convey DK, but suspect it means 'point taken!'
hmm u might be right. i guess it's a pretty easy connection to make.
Curious George publisher may sue over T-shirt
other coincidences are still startling but that's probably just because they've already been covered.
just forget it.
mccain 08
I am with you - I think Someone is very very confused...Red is as original as they come...and her Blog only rolls with the Finest Articles, Photos and Art....High Class all the way....
( probally some cheeto eater living in his ma's basement took offense to McShame being featured....)
Keep Blogging it Red...we got ya' covered...right Cart...and Gryphen....no riff raf insulting anyone...
Being as this is a classy joint- can I have some more twinkies and pepsi...
thanks, Cart & Enigma. I don't know why anyone would waste time on a 3-month old blog post, but I appreciate your help. hmmmm, I'll take the twinkies but pass on the pepsi, unless it's laced with something stronger, something "high class".
DK, unless you can the twinkies and pepsi, and certainly not mix the latter with good liquour, you will slip further down the list of my favourite redheads.
A fairly neat rye, maybe Gibsons, will do me thanks.
Oooops, omitted 'lose'
Hahahah, Cart! I was thinking the only way to endure pepsi is if it mixed with something drinkable. Kentucky Bourbon came to mind, but Rye will do. And yes, probably better without the pepsi at all. You don't have to eat Twinkies if you don't want to. I'm sure we can rustle up some other tucker.
oh dear...Cart does that mean you like "Loose" Redheads? or lose your redheads....Sorry I just could not resist...lol...
Oh so now we are going High Class...well, then I would Like some Jamison's on ice, two fingers...and some Carr Whole Wheat Rounds with a nice big block of Sharp White Chedder ( screw the twinkies..)
and maybe some oysers on the half and some crabcakes....there...good drink and a proper feast of a snack...
( no drinking and blogging...might be unsafe for the driving the keyboard...so we better have food)
I'll go with the Jamison's in place of rye, but hold the ice for me. As for the cheddar, a vintage perhaps. But why not a double Gloucester or one of the other wonderful regional English cheeses.
No point in a good cheese if it doesn't bite back.
Crabcakes! Now you're talking, E! I'll make some of my red pepper creamy guacamole, too. A dollop on top of each crabcake. Trust me, it tastes better than it sounds. Ackkk! No oysters for me, I prefer mussels. Maybe Cart likes Gorgonzola cheese? You know, this really sounds wonderful. And I think I will switch to Armadale Vodka because with slices of lemon and orange, it really cleanses the palate!
I was thinking a home cooked foccacia and olive tapenade. A bit of mix of cultures, but that is tastes for you.
hmmm , yeah no oysters, some Mussels would be great......and Foccacia....hmmm, and yes, a good English cheese...and that vodka sounds lovely....
( see aren't you glad I brought up the Twinkies ??)
I was just going to say that, E -- thank you for the Twinkies!
OK Cart, foccacia is great, maybe some Stilson melted on top? but I'll pass on that anchovy stuff. Don't want to retempt the heartburn!
And it occurs to me that wine might be a better choice with this fine array. But THAT is a completely other "sideways" post!
Isn't it funny how this post was revived by a stray comment & lead to such a lovely feast? Thank you both for helping me through it. I think I'll be dreaming about crabcakes in my sleep now. Thanks again!
Ah DK, there are no bloody anchovies in a good olive tapenade, but I do insist on Spanish olives.
I would not melt an English cheese on the foccacia either. Oye vey! We need to uphold standards here.
But I agree that an Aussie shiraz or even a delicate merlot for delicate palates. Mind you, I would still start with one of the preferred spirits, and pass on the wodka.
Nope, no offence driven remarks here other than a perceived connection between my post and a lack of acknowledgment for its similar content. Founded or not your resolution obvious.
Actually I had expressed using the reference myself so where ever you got the idea that I took offence to the association is obviously straight from your ass.
three month old blog: yeah when I had originally posted it looked as tho the blog and all the comments on it were from the same day I had posted said association in response to a racist association between obama and the fictional chimp known as curious George.
Btw I will openly admit a McCain mole rat association is equally racist. Made by either just some guy, a red head, or not.
Listen Guy, you are forcing me to be rude. You keep referring to some chimp t-shirt that made the news in May. I wrote this blog post in Feb (which for the chronologically impaired is 3-months prior). It has nothing to do w/chimps or t-shirts, etc. At this point, you and I are DONE. Buh-bye!
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