Please understand, I definitely do NOT approve of steroid use. But after seeing MSM sports steroid-humping news all day, I'm just wondering which is worse: BARRY BONDS or BLACKWATER juicers? Which has the potential to do more harm in the world? Why is the sports steroid story covered to death, when Blackwater steroid use increases likely deaths in Iraq and elsewhere? Many large corporations require their employees to provide random urine & blood samples; what about Blackwater? Who handles heavy artillery in a stressful situation: baseball players, corporate accountants, or Blackwater employees?
Blackwater's private army-for-hire (oops, "security force") is accused of failing to control steroid use [<--- nice, quick read] among its mercenary goons (oops, "contractor guards") which helps foster the culture of lawlessness (oops, "legal immunity") known as Order Number 17 [<---excerpt from The Nation].
Beyond the physical changes associated with steroid use, some of the troubling mental side effects are: increased aggression & anger ("roid rage"), hypomania (inflated self-esteem, psychomotor agitation, uncontrollable impulsivity), hostility, arrogance, paranoid personality disorders, and impaired judgment.
Any doubts? Watch this youtube Blackwater Psycho Killers (5.25 minutes) and tell me these guys aren't juicing ...
Or watch Jeremy Scahill who wrote the book on this Shadow Army.
Steroid use messes with the lives of those who use them and very probably those who are close to them.
Blackwater and its Nazi tactics affect us all in various ways, and the end results will be far worse for millions more than Steroids ever will.
Larry, then COMBINE steroids with Blackwater's testostomen, start using BW for our domestic security, and reap the recipe for distaster. We got a preview in NOLA.
this was an amazing post...and you are indeed putting ALL the pieces together...
and the nazis even recognized that you can't suppress and torture people without drugs for the Boys...
sick shit...
Excellent connection, DK. The broadcast MSM will do anything to try to divert our attention from what is important to what isn't, because Bush and the GOP support their greedy corporate agenda.
I'm just wondering how steroids might enhance two yards of pump water with a close cropped haircut.
I'm never sure why someone who doesn't cast a shadow should be able to intimidate. But maybe a few steroids would give some reason.
Engima: drugged nazis -- wasn't the Blitzkrieg the first documented instance of widespread army speed dosing? Hate to think what the SS might've accomplished on HGH. And of course, alcohol has been alloted to soldiers forever ... plenty of British naval revolts at sea when they ran out of Grog.
Tomcat: yup, steroids was still splashing around the TV news today. I had to endure Mark Maguire's biceps all over again (just when I thought it was safe).
Cartledge, are you saying you'd be willing to experiment on yourself, in the interests of "science"? Let me assure you, the women I know do NOT "go" for that steroid look, and we especially do not appreciate the "side effects". In fact, oustide of professional body builders, I have yet to find an appreciable audience for steroid users.
Now, about not casting a shadow, I'm having trouble deciphering if you're referring to someone too thin to cast a shadow, or if we are into Vampire territory. You know, the bloodsuckers without souls? hmmmm, I like that description of Blackwater!
d.k. I guess I have been built like a broom handle for too long to worry about chemical transformations now.
As for the vampires, Blackwater can have that one :) I guess we just stay lean and nosy like a ferret.
built like a broom handle....hmm, okay I sat looking at it....mine is a little sweeper, it's cute actually white with a nice big cushioned green plastic grip handle....so now that is how I will picture you....???oh, sorry , it has been a long day...we are having a Huge whiteout snow storm..so the blogs have been the best refuge...
The Blackwater Boys are scary- they are like something out of a movie...thugs on speed and roids....out of a Terminator Movie...
Enigma, some of us spend our lives being picked on for being underfed, looking like broomsticks. But just today I was accused of being a pregnant broomstick (the mind boggles).
So at my advanced age I’m developing a seasonal spread. People are so harsh…
Still, beats being equated with one of those Blackwater thugs I guess :)
Enigma, I saw your blizzard on the news today. Lake Effect for the whole region. Looks nasty. Be careful.
Cartledge, jeez between ferrets and pregnant broomsticks, that's quite a picture! still, that combo beats roid raging thugs ANY day. besides, I bet you can windsail like a flying fox.
Ahhh d,k., - enigma, it is just jealousy. Spending your life with nicknames like pull-through (one of those things used for cleaning rifle barrels) and greyhound (all ribs and private parts): Having never shopped at BIG JOES or needed a bra, the steroid thing sounded tempting.
Another nickname was senator, maybe I should just stick with that…
Cartledge: I understand the nicknames, but they are only hurtful if you let them be. I bet you've never been called a red-headed orangutan or a martian (as I have & took both as compliments). Let's see, those "pull-throughs" you mention are called "pipe cleaners" here (I think, I've never cleaned a gun). Pull-throughs are fast food drive-ins. Or they can also be a parking spot that you could exit either fwd or rear. I'd prefer the greyhound nickname, just for the mystique, or maybe Senator Greyhound (sounds so gentlemanly)? Oh hahahah, yes those steroid users will eventually need bras (or bros as male bras are called) if they're not careful. Maybe they can reconfigure the jock straps they will no longer be filling (another side effect).
"Oh hahahah," I was always told when you get in over your head stop digging. You are too good for me LOL
The Scahill Shadow Army piece was good. I did not realize the quantity of privare army people, or the number of casualties. Figures they would not include those numbers in the death toll. I have to admit I was always suspicious when hearing news of many bodies found dumped on the outskirts of town, who really did the deed? If private armies have immunity, I suspect there is US involvement.
Blackwater should be blacklisted.
Jeremy Scahill's book "Blackwater: the rise of world's most powerful mercenary army" is a must-read. Available at your library. It looks like we are going to have more trouble ridding ourselves of Blackwater than Bush. Order Number 17 (the one I linked in my post) was recently cited by Condi in defense of the state dept's less than vigorous investigation into B.W.'s September Baghdad civilian shootings:
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